Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Contented Oblivion

Since Ethan could walk, he has been convinced that he can do anything that Caleb can do...and he actually does his version of everything Caleb can do. Furthermore, he remains oblivious to the difference between his efforts and Caleb's accomplishments. Caleb jumps off the top step and Ethan jumps off the third step. Caleb makes a basket and Ethan throws the ball and hits the pole. Caleb does a somersault and Ethan puts his hands and head on the floor and then stands back up. Lately, Caleb has been into rhyming, especially while we are in the car. As I am driving, Caleb will say, "DOG and FOG, is that rhyming, Mama?" or "SNAP and CLAP, is that rhyming, Mama?" Ethan, always eager to be part of the fun, has started jumping in with his non-rhyming two cents, "Mama, Mama, CAR and COOKIE, dat rhyming, Mama?" He has no idea that he is doing all of these things differently than Caleb.

The only exception I have seen to Ethan's contented oblivion happened earlier last week. Caleb and Ethan were enjoying their evening dance/run/be crazy time after baths. Their favorite "dance" song was playing (Genocide by The Offspring), and they were sprinting laps around a pile of toys in the play room. Caleb shouted, "I'm SUPER-FAST!" Ethan echoed, "I'm SUPER-FAST, too!" As they were running, Caleb lapped Ethan two or three times, which has never phased Ethan before, but for some reason, Ethan stopped in mid-stride, his face crumpled into tears, and he came wailing to me. I asked him what was wrong and he choked out, "I not super-fast! Bubba super-fast!"

You can't make this stuff up :)

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