Monday, April 19, 2010

Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy

For the boys birthday, my parents (Nanna & Papa) and Marcus's grandmother (also Nanna) contributed funds to buy the boys a trampoline. We ordered it a couple of weeks before their birthday party, but a part of the shipment got lost in the mail, and we just got that part last week. This weekend, we opened up the boxes and spent a couple of hours putting everything together. We didn't finish until after the boys went to bed on Friday night, so they saw the finished product for the first time on Saturday morning. I'm sure that this was the first of many Saturday mornings to begin with a couple of hours of bouncing and tumbling.

Caleb and Ethan are genetically-wired with springs in their feet. They LOVE to jump and bounce, so a trampoline is a perfect gift. Now if we can just keep them from getting hurt...hopefully, they have also inherited the bubble of protection that has followed their dare-devil father all of his life. And it won't hurt that Mommy makes them wear their bicycle helmuts while they jump :)

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