Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Own Mouth

All parents know how much God uses children to teach us, but lately it has been more obvious to me than usual. When I repeat a truth to Caleb or Ethan, I immediately hear the Lord's voice echoing the same truth from Him to me. Here are just a few examples:

"Don't take the food from your brother's plate. Ask me and I will give you more."
"I understand that you are angry, but you still have to speak to me respectfully."
"What you want is not the most important thing."
"It is always better to do what makes other people happy than to do what makes you happy."
"I tell you not to do certain things because I don't want you to get hurt."
"I love you too much to let you get away with allowing your emotions to control you."
"If you choose to disobey me, the consequence is going to hurt."
"Be thankful for the toys that you have. Some other boys do not have toys to play with."

I've been convicted by many people's wisdom, both written and spoken, but it makes me laugh when God uses my own mouth to remind me of His truths :)


Unknown said...

So true. Convicting. Leaves me wanting to hear more of your corrections to your boys.

katherine said...

I agree with d. I've so often thought about how much the Lord has taught me about myself through parenting Anna.

The Texas Trio said...

How about "everything belongs to God so you need to share." The next sentence is usually "don't touch that, it's Daddy's."

Can I not even read a blog with out being convicted? :)