Monday, September 7, 2009

Pregnant Rachel

I bet I'm getting a lot of hits because of that subject line :) But, no, it is not what you think. I am not pregnant. Nor am I trying to get pregnant. Though I did take a test a few days ago due to the possible ramifications of an ill-timed event :). And I owe the inspiration for this blog entry to the barrage of thoughts that went through my mind during the 24-hours before taking that test.

On to the point: I am a COMPLETELY different person when I am pregnant (at least during the first trimester). I'm not more moody or emotional, but I go from very high-energy, productive, creative and social to a motionless couch potato who does absolutely nothing and doesn't even answer the phone. My friends in Gainesville have seen this transformation twice, but my friends here in Birmingham have no idea. Normally, I have a ridiculous amount of energy to go places, plan things, spend time with friends, cook things from scratch, bargain shop, play with the kids, blog, clean, etc. But when that first day of morning sickness hits, it is just me, the puke bowl, an ice pack (for the back of my neck, to ease the naseau) and the easy chair. I felt SO SORRY for Caleb when I was pregnant with Ethan because my answer to almost everything he asked was "Not right now, sweetie, Mommy feels really sick." At one point, Caleb actually started carrying a bowl around and pretended to puke in it. I don't know if that should have made me feel sad or made me laugh, but it did neither because I was too sick to feel anything.

With both boys, I felt seriously naseauted 85% of my waking hours, and occasionally the naseau would wake me up at night and I'd have to throw up before I could go back to sleep. From the 5th week to the 15th/17th week, this was my life: phone calls don't get returned, dishes piled up in the sink, no cooking of any kind was done (Marcus doesn't cook), and Marcus and I hardly spoke because as soon as he got home, I went to sleep. For me, the second and third trimesters and the first few months postpartum had their challenges, but they were cake compared to the first trimester. (The nice part is that it's all uphill after the morning sickness ends.) Anyway, since I doubt I'll do any blogging during my first trimester, I thought I'd give you all a heads-up of what is to come (though hopefully not until sometime next year). If you are reading this and you are one of my Birmingham friends, be ready to give me some grace as I drop off the face of the earth for three months and abdigate all church and relational responsibilites to whoever can pick them up. And feel free to come over and play with my kids when you have time...they are really going to need it!

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