Thursday, May 27, 2010

John 21:15-17

Last night, after we had put Ethan to bed, he called for me in a very sweet voice, so I went in to see what he wanted. Here are the words we exchanged, and I have not altered them by one syllable:

Ethan: (sleepy-eyed and with the sweetest voice) "Mommy, do you wuv me ve-wy, ve-wy much?"
Mommy: "Yes, darling, I love you very, very much."
Ethan: "Mommy, do you wuv me ve-wy, ve-wy, ve-wy much?"
Mommy: "Yes, sweetheart, I love you with all my heart."
Ethan: "Mommy, do you wuv me ve-wy, ve-wy much?"
Mommy: "Yes dearest, I love you so, so much."
Ethan: "Den will you wock [rock] me in da chair? It will be so, so nice."


April said...

I SOOO hope you rocked that sweet boy! What a precious conversation. They just don't ask to be rocked forever. Treasure up those moments before they are gone altogether. That boy is going to go far with his communication tactics!!! That's awesome!

Vicky said...

That is such a sweet story!

I do hope you rocked him!

katherine said... sweet. Your son knows how to get what he wants, doesn't he? ;)