Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sleeping Update

For those of you who are lying in bed at night worrying about the sleep I'm not getting, as well as those of you who are just mildly interested, I wanted to let you know that the sleeping situation has improved the past 2 nights. (For those of you out there who have been seriously sleep-deprived, isn't it amazing how a couple of nights of better sleep can improve your outlook?) Anyway, the past two nights, Ethan has only woken up 4 times, and he's gone back to sleep easily with minimal help. I'll admit, it didn't just happen magically. Marcus and I talked it over and decided that, since he's been rolling from back to front for almost a month now, we are both okay with laying him on his tummy to sleep. So now we lay him on his tummy and he sleeps SO much better. He's still sleeping in the pack-n-play beside our bed and will probably not move until he starts crawling or drops more night wakings, whichever comes first.


Vicky said...

As one of those who has been worrying about the sleep you were not getting, I am so happy that you have some relief.



Gioietta said...

You know, tummy sleeping was what we did, and definitely during the day, because he kept waking himself up with the flying of his hands. I knew it was a huge 'no no' but man did it make a difference for how better he slept! (I did wait till he was closer to 2 mo. and not at night). I also found that having my own bed time routine really helped me fall asleep easier, but that might not be your problem (staying asleep is key!)
Hope it gets better. I will find out soon what it's like to run around after two little ones! fun times await ;)