Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anything But the Crib!!!

As I've mentioned before, Ethan changed almost overnight from loving his crib to hating/fearing it, starting about a month ago. (We still have no idea why.) After he started sleeping with Caleb and the crib wasn't being used, I thought I'd start using it as Ethan's "big" time-out (like Caleb being sent to his room). One day, Ethan had been put in time-out several times in a row, so I told him if he did whatever again, he would have to go to time-out in his crib upstairs. His eyes got wide with fear and he exclaimed. "I NOT DO IT! I NOT DO IT! I NICE BOY!" And he was...I didn't have another hint of trouble from him. And I had discovered a pot of gold for keeping Ethan in line. For the past two weeks, it only takes the threat of being put in his crib to turn Ethan's attitude around. He can stop crying mid-scream, turn from a sprint and come back, and overflow with profuse, heartfelt apologies whenever a trip to the crib is mentioned. The best thing about it is that it keeps him from climbing out of Caleb's bed after we tuck them in at night. He knows that climbing out of bed or any other serious disruption will land him back in his crib. (I had to follow through on this threat once, and I thought he was actually going to pass out because it took him so long to breath between blood-curdling screams.) I know it won't last forever, but for now, I am using this tool for all its worth :)

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