Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Laundry That Never Ends

So before the cooler weather descended a couple of months ago, I was able to do three or four loads of laundry every Friday morning, and that was it. Somehow, the cooler weather has not just doubled, but TRIPLED the laundry I do every week. I'm doing 5-6 loads on laundry day now, and usually 2-3 other loads on other days of the week. I know the kids (and us) are wearing more clothes every day, but I have never noticed in previous years such a drastic difference between summer and winter laundry. I'm sure part of it is probably what a messy eater Ethan seems like even with a bib I have to change his outfit once or twice a day. Whatever the reason, I am really getting burnt-out on carrying laundry baskets up and down stairs, as well as folding and putting away the same clothes multiple times each week.

As a side, here are some pictures of the boys at Harding from our Thanksgiving weekend in Searcy:

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