Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Man

As my friend Katherine pointed out on her blog, the daddies/hubbies often get overlooked in the predominately mom-authored baby blog world, so here is a post dedicated entirely to my relationship with my man. (All of these questions are copied from Katherine's post of the same title.)

1. Who is your man? Dr. Marcus M. Wagner (the doctor thing is still new enough that I think its super fun!)

2. How did you meet? We probably saw each other for the first time in Athens, Greece in the fall of 1999 because our two study abroad groups spent a week there together, but the first meeting we remember is at a Bible study at Michael Lincoln's house in Searcy, Arkansas (January of 2000).

3. How long have you been together? We started dating in May of 2000, when we were both 20, so about 7½ years now.

4. How long did you date? We dated for two years and were engaged for four months.

5. How old is your man? He is 27 and he will turn 28 next month.
6. Who said "I love you" first? Two pregnancies have so addled my brain that I can’t remember for sure, but I’m 90% certain that he told me he loved me in a letter.

7. Who is taller? Definitely Marcus…6’3” to my 5’6”.

8. Who sings better? I used to, but my singing voice has declined since I'm no longer in choir or singing as regularly as I used to. I guess we're about even now.

9. Who is smarter? Again, I used to think I was, but four years of medical school has definitely given Marcus the edge in that arena, though we both still have our areas of expertise where we are inclined to defer to the other.

10. Whose temper is worse? We both lose our temper a little too easily in our own “pet peeve” areas, though we’ve learned to control that better in our five years of marriage.

11. Who does the laundry? I always do the laundry, though sometimes I leave Marcus's clean laundry folded in a basket for him to put away. Other times I just put it away myself.

12. Who takes out the garbage? I do. I empty all the little trash cans throughout the house and put the trash in the bin, and then roll it out to the curb on Wednesday mornings. Sometimes Marcus rolls the empty bin back to the side of the house.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep to Marcus’s right, though that has switched several times during our marriage.

14. Who pays the bills? I do. I like paying the bills and keeping records in Money, and I have more time, so Marcus lets me do it.

15. Who is better with the computer? Marcus is way better with his Mac, but I am just as good if not better on the PC.

16. Who mows the lawn? Marcus. He also waters the grass and fertilizes, trims the shrubs, and takes care of almost all the outside chores.

17. Who cooks dinner? If anyone does, it’s me. Lately because of this second bout of morning sickness, Marcus has been scrounging for himself (poor boy), but usually I cook dinner.

18. Who drives when you are together? Marcus. I don’t like driving, particularly at night.

19. Who pays when you go out? Whoever isn’t entertaining or cleaning up Caleb at the moment.

20. Who is most stubborn? We’re both pretty stubborn about our opinions, but I’m more stubborn about day-to-day decisions, especially when the decision has anything to do with Caleb’s safety.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am very quick to admit that I am wrong as soon as I see that I am wrong, but Marcus thinks it takes me too long to see it.

22. Whose parents do you see the most? I think we definitely see Marcus’s family more, since we’re in school in his home state and both of his parents and all of his siblings live here. Sometimes Marcus tries to argue that we see my family just as much, because during our 1-2 trips a year to see them, we usually stay a full 2 weeks, but I have no doubt that even if we broke it down to hours spent together, the scale would tip totally on the Wagner side.

23. Who kissed who first? I confess, it was definitely me, though after the first millisecond, we were both very involved in it :)

24. Who asked who out? That’s kind of a long story, but lets sum it up with the fact that Marcus pursued me in a variety of creative ways for about four months before we actually went on a date.

25. Who proposed? Marcus.

26. Who eats more? Definitely Marcus, though I give him a run for his money in my third trimester.

27. Who is more sensitive? Definitely me.

28. Who has more friends? Me. I keep in regular contact with several close friends from college and keep up sporadically with dozens more, plus I have my close group of girls here in Gainesville. Marcus is content with keeping in touch with his best friend from college, occasionally doing things with the guys at church here, and spending time with his family.

29. Who has more siblings? Marcus, who has one brother and two sisters. I have an older half-brother and a younger brother.

30. Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear pants a lot. I only wear skirts on Sundays, and Marcus never wears skirts.


melanie said...

Glad you are back blogging! :)

and also glad that marcus does not wear skirts. :)

Gioietta said...

I remember when Marcus proposed to you! I was there! All your friends were there!! really funny about Marcus' not wearing the skirts...I once tried to get Jon to put on my bra to show them that they really aren't that comfortable...he ran away from me. LOL. Love, Miriam