Saturday, August 18, 2007


So...a couple of days after I wrote the last entry, I woke up with an upset stomach. Two hours later, after Marcus left for work, I took a test and was shocked to see that despite our careful efforts at birth control, we had become pregnant. Based on the nurse's visit a couple of days ago, I am 7 weeks pregnant and will deliver sometime around April 4, 2008. Even though this news was a complete surprise, we are excited that we conceived so easily this time (we took Clomid for Caleb) and that we will be welcoming a second child into our family. The timing doesn't seem optimal to us, (we will be moving two months after the baby arrives, and attempting to sell our house at the time of his/her arrival) but we realize that our view of the future and our concept of "good" timing is limited. We are very grateful that we have good health insurance through Marcus's job and that I will be able to use the same OB as I did with my previous pregnancy. The aspect of this news that is making it difficult for me is that I am experiencing morning sickness every day throughout most of the day, and some days even through the night as well. Marcus is being wonderfully supportive and helping with Caleb all that he can, but there are still many hours that he is working where Caleb and I are on our own, and I feel very overwhelmed with caring for him while feeling so sick to my stomach all the time. The good news is that morning sickness has a time frame and at some point it will subside and then disappear. Until then, I'm sorry to those of you who are very dear friends and who I have not called personally with this news, but I hate to call when I'm feeling so sick and I believe that you will understand.


Jennifer said...

That's wonderful news Rach! I'm thrilled for all three of you. Though I will pray for the morning sickness to subside quickly!!!!

katherine said...

Congratulations! I would call you to congratulate you except I remember how little I felt like talking on the phone during the 13 1/2 weeks of my morning sickness. I read somewhere that it should actually be called "progesterone poisoning" and I think that about describes it since mine certainly wasn't just in the morning and it felt very similar to food poisoning. I can't imagine trying to get through it with a toddler running around, but you're a trooper. I'm very excited for you guys and I can't wait to meet the newest Wagner already!

Michael and Hannah said...

Congratulations, Rachel! I just noticed the link to your blog on Mel's blog. It's kind of funny that we're all in Florida. I've been surprised at how many HU grads end up in Florida. Sorry about the morning sickness, but I know the joy outweighs the pain. Caleb's a cutie! Hannah (Rhodes) Rogers

Gioietta said...

Congratulations! I am so sorry you are feeling so sick and I can imagine with a toddler running around it is more challenging! I pray 2nd trimester comes soon! I wonder if taking anything could help? I took something prom? It was gel like, they give it to many women with morning (all day) sickness, and it helped quite a bit but it did make me even more sleepy. Remember that it is okay taking off doing housework and cooking! Maybe someone from church can help? I had one lady who was kind enough to bring food for Jon a few times during the rough first trimester! Love to all three of you, and Caleb will be fine watching more movies and playing alone for a while! Soon he will have a brother or sister to entertain! Love from jon, miriam and jeremiah