Monday, February 7, 2011

Ringling Brothers Circus

We got two free tickets to the circus through our library children's reading program, so we took the boys to see the show while it was in town last weekend. The kids had a great time. They saw tigers, elephants, horses and zebras, as well as stunt men, acrobats, tight-rope walkers and all kinds of other performers. Marcus and I were most impressed by the human canon ball catapulted across the arena, as well as the animal trainer in the ring of white tigers. The whole thing lasted several hours, but the boys didn't get antsy until the very end. We did find out that the reason the circus can afford to give out free tickets is because they make most of their money through the vendor's booths. A little plastic toy cost $22, cotton candy was $12, a snow cone in a cup was $18. The shocking thing to us is that people were buying this stuff right and left. I was flabbergasted to see one Mom hand over THREE $100 bills to a vendor to pay for a few toys and snacks for her three kids and herself. We, needless to say, bought absolutely nothing.  But we had a great time walking around looking at everything, and definitely enjoyed watching the show with the kids.

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Carol said...
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