Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Back :)

I was really sick from this pregnancy for eight long weeks . I think I'll say 56 days instead of eight weeks, since it sounds longer to me. Especially when you consider that each day had 24 hours in it, and each hour dragged by minute-by-minute. The mechanics of our lives, which usually run pretty smoothly, went totally kaput for 56 days. My BFF took over all of my church responsibilities, Marcus picked up what he could at home, and the ladies at church fed us. Somehow, when I could drag myself out of my chair, I kept up with the laundry, the bills, most of the grocery shopping, and the weekday care of the kids. I left the house once a week to get groceries (without the kids), and made it to four of Caleb's Saturday morning soccer games (makeup-less and in my pajamas). Other than that, I spent most of my time sitting in my "sick" chair in the play room holding a big white bowl and eating a lot of popsicles.
The kids ate a lot of pre-packaged foods while I was sick. Actually, one low point was when the kids started rummaging through the pantry, picking out a can (of beans, fruit, corn, whatever), and then bringing it to me to open. (I did manage to get what was in the can into a bowl for them :) They learned that any box with pictures of eggs or milk on the box had to be cooked and was therefore not an option. While I was sick, clothes became as optional as meal routines. The kids spent a lot of time outside, on the deck and in the yard. Being boys, they quickly learned that if they stripped to their socks and underwear playing outside, nobody chased them down and made them get dressed again. It was one of the many battles not worth fighting.
Things have been much better over the past week or so. I started feeling better last weekend, and we've managed to pack a lot of going-and-doing into the past nine days or so. Marcus is so happy to have a partner again, and we are trying to catch up on all the fall activities that have almost passed us by (i.e. day at the farm, pumpkin patch, soccer, parks, camping, fall festival, etc.). More posts and pictures to come in the near future :)


jonmatthew said...

Glad you're back Rachel :) And glad you're feeling better too! Praying the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

We are into the first week of what you just went through as Miriam is about 7 weeks pg now and sick ALL DAY LONG. And of course, it's MY fault :)

Hope you have a great week - Jonny

April said...

I, too, am glad you are back. I do hope you feel well during the rest of the pregnancy. Sometimes the more laid back routine that your boys got during those 56 days is a good thing...sorry it came about due to you being so sick...and glad you're back to feeling well enough to do the things you want to with them. I look forward to seeing the pictures you mentioned that are coming. Love those sweet boys eating those popsicles!